About us
We are an elder-led Southern Baptist Church established by Jesus Christ, striving to practice His teachings as contained in the Scriptures. We seek to obey His Great Commission to make disciples who conform to the image of Christ.
Our Values
Core Value #1 - CHRIST-CENTERED - We value, that in all things, Christ be the center of our lives, both corporately as a church and as individual believers, on our walk towards Christlikeness.
Core Value #2 - SCRIPTURAL AUTHORITY - We value the Word of God as the final and supreme authority that governs all aspects of our faith and our practice. While we understand there is value in tradition, tradition is only beneficial to the extent that it conforms and submits to Scripture.
Core Value #3 - BIBLICAL TEACHING - We value the exposition and practical application of Scripture as the means of conformity to Christ.
Core Value #4 - PERSONAL DISCIPLESHIP - We value the training of our membership for the purpose of conformity to Christ. This training includes Biblical knowledge, understanding the doctrines of Scripture, ministry, and fellowship.